The NEW Autism Turnaround  group coaching program is for ambitious autism moms of children between 1 - 5 who's done all the "holistic" things without lasting effect. Are you're done with the hamster wheel of ineffective healing, chasing practitioners, autism diets, supplements, Facebook groups, detox protocols and the next shiny object? You only have a limited window of opportunity if you want more independence for your child.  Together,  in the next 6 - 14 months, we will turn you into the expert you've looked for in all the wrong places to deal with tantrums, eloping, picky eating, anger, rigidity and worries about the future. Without endless tests, practitioners, supplements autism-diets, supplements and protocols that doesn't change your situation.

When you change , everything changes. 


This is the only Autism-mom program of its kind.

It teaches you exactly how to spend your precious time so that you will see transformative changes, by BECOMING the expert without even involving your child.

This group coaching program and curriculum & revolutionary practice is the

#1 missing link in all autism diets,

protocols and therapies and the #1 reason why I was able to witness my son’s escape from tantrums, stimming, rituals and aggression.


By the end of this program,
you will:

  • Know exactly what triggers your child's symptoms and how to tailor diet and nutrition to deal with it. Your child's nutritional needs change all the time and you need to be able to adjust accordingly. 

  • Be able to leave the house, go shopping, visit friends and sleep at night without screaming, tantrums, eloping, aggression or picky eating. You don't have to worry about the future, independence or being a full time carer for life. 

  • Have a calm nervous system and a brain that's ready for change via physical exercises and breathing techniques. Stop unknowingly blocking change and harming gut health , immune system and detoxification in your child by creating a stressful environment.

  • Begin to live your life, see your child develop and feel motivated to dream of a life with more independence for both of you. All of this by slowly, gradually and peacefully implementing and integrating small steps to change your lifestyle, diet and nutrition BY LIVED EXPERIENCE instead of being dependent on experts and other moms for advice.

  • Stop procrastinating, feeling hopeless and finally let go of the helplessness that made you feel like nothing worked for your child and replaced it with confidence now that you understand the real reason behind every failure and how to succeed.

  • Eat and feed your children effortlessly without tests, cravings, binge eating in secret, using stimulants to survive, feeding disorders or yo-yo diets. You can only heal, help and understand your child to the level that you have understood, healed and helped/changed yourself. 

  • Stop family conflicts, guilt, screaming, stress and anxiety. Have more peace with your self, your family and others and in your walk with God. When you change, everything changes.

  • Fully understand and be able to implement and integrate the concept of Bio-Types and Bio Individualized Nutrition, gut microbiome support, methylation, tantrum, regression and plateaus, inflammation, food triggers - and -healing with expert support from all of the modules made for you by one of Europe'’s most sought after clinicians, Dr. Shalleen Barendse.

  • Have a daily, simple prayer meditation and prayer-practice that instantly puts you in a peaceful place and be able to hear from God.

  • Master an effective, quick technique to eliminate pain, negative emotions, bad habits and bitterness instantly.

  • Nailed the Brain Primer and nervous system regulator TECHNIQUE – a simple daily exercise for you and your child. This technique can improve learning, comprehension, speech, concentration, emotional and social skills. Bypass the brain’s subconscious addiction to self-sabotage and survival mechanisms (the hidden reason why you and your child are struggling, no matter what you do.) 


Master the mindset that gives you strength to deal with and heal:

  • Diet and lifestyle changes without confusion.
  • Stress, self-sabotage, procrastination, grief, shame and overwhelm.
  • Resistance from your child, partner, family and friends.
  • Your own life, purpose and body.


The program is designed to integrate and implement the system that changes your life (for busy moms) , so we’ve made it very
simple an easy to fit into your life.
Self paced, step-by-step curriculum online (video, audios and workbooks), Monthly group coaching call, a private “Turnaround Community with daily support and accountability via Telegram and access to:


Better decision making and emotional control. Prepares the brain to hardwire your new belief systems. Enhances neuroplasticity. Assist the brain in hardwiring skills that are not yet automatic, due to underdeveloped cerebellum. The easy way to change. Press Play, sit down and switch from chaos & confusion to peace & clarity. Can be done before the family wakes up or before bedtime. Work on your child without involving him/her.

Lifestyle & Nutrition

No more missing links, overwhelm or chasing solutions. You collect the pieces of your child’s healing puzzle.
Become the expert.

Heal your family’s lifestyle and relationship with food. Delve deep into gut healing, methylation and bio individualised nutrition. We also have four masterclass modules with one of the UK’s most sought after clinicians Dr. Shalleen Barendse, teaching strategies for gut healing, methylation, pans/pandas and tantrums/triggers and regressions.

Tools to solve any problem

From chaos, struggles and overwhelm to clarity, peace and confidence. Life-changing framework, actionable, eye-opening audio lessons, checklists, guides and cheat sheets in every module. We have developed an in depth revolutionary five phase program which leads you step-by-step on a pathway to true healing. We don’t leave any stone unturned and have gone before you, in order to answer all of the questions that you have.

Write your text by editing it directly on this page.


I have this nagging guilt

that plagues me daily. You see, I waited 13 years after my son’s turnaround to share my tools with the world.

Every time I see a child with autism between 12 – 20, stimming, screaming, having tantrums and 100% dependent on supervision or institutionalization, I cry.

I know that this could have been my son. I also know that I might have been able to help the mother of that child, if I had started sooner.


Take a tour in your membership site  HERE

Download membership Success Path Overview HERE

Teaching you how I turned my son’s autism around. No mother should lose hope, waste time, money and energy on un-effective one-size fits all diets and protocols or chase gurus to find the solution that is already within her.


Espergaerde, Denmark


This product as is the case with all other e-books, workshops and guides, was not created as a substitute for medical consultation, medications or treatment, and its use is entirely the responsibility of the user. Upgraded self revolution assumes no medical, professional or legal responsibility for complications arising directly or indirectly as a result of the use of advice, dietary supplements and exercise pro-grammes offered. Always consult your general practitioner before be-ginning any exercise or lifestyle program. Remember, your body and your health are your responsibility and your adventure.

©2022 Barefoot Autism Warriors